


Juraj Benetin is a principal architect at Compass Architekti. Established in Bratislava in 2004, the firm has been a significant contributor to Slovak architecture. Benetin graduated from the Faculty of Architecture at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, and during his studies, he co-founded Compass Architekti with Matej Grebért and his brother Ján.

With nearly two decades at Compass, Benetin has become one of the leading architects in the country, contributing to the evolution of its architectural scene. The studio is renowned for its focus on urban residential projects, exemplified by their inaugural project in the „Slnečnice“ residential zone in southern Bratislava, a vast undertaking anticipated to house between 12-15 thousand residents upon its completion.

Benetin’s career showcases an extensive 19-year tenure in architectural planning and design, working on a multitude of projects ranging from urban revitalizations to commercial and residential buildings. His work pays particular attention to large-scale projects, urbanism, and waterfront developments, with „Nové Lido“ and „Vydrica“ standing out as exemplary projects that reflect his approach to architecture.

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